About IWINETC – Czechia 2025

The IWINETC International Annual Wine Tourism Conference, Exhibition & Workshop each year is the global event in the wine and culinary industry calendar.

Attended by over 300 wine and culinary tourism professionals from more than 100 countries, it involves a 2-day programme of around 30 talks, workshops and symposiums as well as a vibrant social programme. This offers delegates a unique opportunity to meet wine and tourism professionals, and exchange ideas with fellow professionals from all sectors of the wine and wine tourism industry.  If you have never attended one before take a look at some highlights from IWINETC La Champagne 2015

In addition, a large resources exhibition involving around 40 wine and/or tourism related exhibitors is your one-stop shop to discover (and taste) grape escape destinations both in the host country and from around the world.

Plus, the one day Wine Tourism Workshop continues to grow in popularity with more and more wine tourism experience providers and tour operators and travel agents using the conference and workshop as an opportunity to do business.

8th International Wine Tourism Conference, Exhibtion & Workshop

Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain

Conference: 5 – 6 April 2016
Workshop: 7 April 2016

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