André Deyrieux
André Deyrieux is a consultant in wine tourism strategy. He is an expert in creation of wine tourism events, storytelling and marketing of wine heritage.
André Deyrieux is VP of the French Wine Tourism Council (ConseilSupérieur de l’Oenotourisme), the advisory body for wine tourism with the government.
He created the web magazine Winetourisminfrance.com in 2006, and runs a network of blogs and social networks.
André Deyrieux is one of the founders of AEFO (« Association Européenne de Formation à l'Oenotourisme») - European Association of Training in Tourism (Council, audit and training in territorial development with local authorities, tourism development agencies and professional agencies). He is a teacher in wine tourism strategies for Angers, Nîmes, and Suze-la-Rousse universities.
He created in 2009 the Wine Tourist of the Year Award (« Prix de l'Oenotouriste de l'Année»).
He is founder-president of the association «Rencontres des CépagesModestes», and author of« A la Rencontre des CépagesModestesetOubliés» (Dunod Editions, Paris, 2016).
André Deyrieux is Sommelier-Conseil, graduate of the University of Wine in Suze-la-Rousse.He is Chevalier du Tastevin (Burgundy) and Echanson at the Echansonnerie des Papes (Châteauneuf-du-Pape).
André will part of the panel looking at