Michael Wangbickler
Michael Wangbickler is the Digital Media Specialist and Senior Account Manager at Balzac Communications and Marketing in Napa, California. Mike is very much a techno-nerd at heart. He is constantly looking for new ways to apply digital tools to help further the interests of wineries and wine regions. Today, Mike is the resident digital strategies/social media specialist at his agency and an active member of the online wine community. He can often be found writing for his blog-Caveman Wines-where he offers advice on wine communications and marketing, conversing with fellow colleagues on Twitter, or contributing to discussions on any of the hundreds of wine blogs he reads. Before moving to wine country ten years ago, Mike knew virtually nothing about the stuff. Undaunted, he threw himself into learning everything he could about wine and the wine business. He now holds a Diploma in Wine & Spirits (DWS) from London-based Wine and Spirit Education Trust and is a Certified Wine Educator (CWE). Mike has spoken on digital strategies for wineries at the Napa Valley Vintners, Wineries Unlimited, Napa Valley College, Wine Bloggers Conference, and Drink Local Wine Conference.
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