Sophie Lacressonniere
Sophie Lacressonniere is Marketing Director at Atout France, the France Tourism Development Agency.
After graduating from the Chambery Business School in 1998, she begins her career at Maison de la France’s London office as a market analyst. In 2001, she heads to New York where she thrives as a marketing coordinator before taking charge of the Product Marketing Department. As such, she successfully implements niche-marketing strategies including major online campaigns.
In 2005, Sophie’s career takes a turn when she joins Maison de la France’s Tokyo office as Travel trade Manager. The discovery of Japan’s culture is a real eye opener and a source of inspiration for Sophie. Workshops, trade shows and special events are all part of the array of actions she will implement in order to gain market shares on this very competitive market. In 2007, Sophie is promoted to Deputy Director of the Japan office where she puts all her energy in making France a top-of-mind destination for Japanese tourists.
In 2010, Sophie is promoted to Marketing Director for Atout France. Now based in Paris, she is responsible for the promotion of France as a tourist destination worldwide. As such, her primary focus is to grow France’s revenues in terms of tourism, therefore making wine tourism a key aspect of her job.
Sophie delivered a talk at IWINETC 2015 titled: