On the routes of Wine, Oil, and Flavours: Experience-driven Tourism at the Heart of the New “Journey Through Italy”.
It was almost fifteen years ago that Carlo Petrini – the founder of the Slow Food movement – issued his call for“good, clean, and fair” food. It was the title of a book, but it soon became the founding principle of a revolution in what we eat (and drink), the way we produce food, and the dignity of the new generation of farmers. I think it is now time to apply this concept on a local scale. A“good, clean, and fair” tourism offer is integrated and horizontal, experience-driven, authentic, and able to generate income and motivations for those who live in rural areas and bring them to life. This is not a new challenge. In fact, in many cases this process has already begun, and must now be supported and consolidated with coherent policies building upon this country’s virtuous networks and enormous biodiversity and cultural heritage.
The speech will deliver examples of how the Wine, Oil and Flavours Routes of Italy are cooperating to offer authentic experiences to tourists.